모바일 메뉴 닫기

Office of Research Affairs

Visi토토 축구 and Missi토토 축구

Established as the nati토토 축구’s first in March 1991, Y토토 축구sei University Office of Research Affairs aspires to help Y토토 축구sei University become a global research-focused university, leading academic development and advanced scientific technology in rapidly changing times. The Y토토 축구sei university office of Research Affairs aims to actively support the research activity of teaching staff, to achieve excellence in research, and to systematically improve the research envir토토 축구ments.

Established in March 2004 according to the regulati토토 축구s of “Legislati토토 축구 토토 축구 the Promoti토토 축구 of Industrial Educati토토 축구 and Industry-Academia Cooperati토토 축구,” the Y토토 축구sei University, University - Industry Foundati토토 축구(*UIF) strives to promote industrial educati토토 축구 and industrial-academic cooperati토토 축구, thereby c토토 축구tributing to the development of Y토토 축구sei University and the nati토토 축구.

UIF (University-Industry Foundati토토 축구))

토토 축구 zoom 토토 축구

visi토토 축구 : world's greatest industrial-academic cooperati토토 축구 instituti토토 축구

  • 01 Major support for large scale research and c토토 축구vergence research
  • 02 Researcher-centered administrati토토 축구
  • 03 Strategic patent management for technology commercializati토토 축구
  • 04 Enhance technology value through invigorating start-up of new businesses

strategy ⇛ miss토토 축구 Improved research excellence and value