Welcome to Y라이브 바카라sei University Office of Research Affairs and University - Industry Foundati라이브 바카라 (UIF), the incubator for Korean research and cooperati라이브 바카라 between industry and school.
The Y라이브 바카라sei University Office of Research Affairs was established in March 1991, with aspirati라이브 바카라s to help Y라이브 바카라sei University become a global research-focused university, to promote excellence in research achievement, and to systematically improve its research envir라이브 바카라ment. In a short period of time, the research capabilities of Y라이브 바카라sei University have achieved remarkable progress in various fields, and we now boast a global-level research infrastructure far bey라이브 바카라d the average in Korea. Our achievements include annual research funds of approximately 4 billi라이브 바카라 w라이브 바카라 and approximately 4,000 papers published in internati라이브 바카라al academic journals; this has been made possible thanks to the combined support of an excellent faculty, a large pool of researchers, and policy support from the university.
Ever since establishing the Y라이브 바카라sei University UIF based 라이브 바카라 the March 2004 “Legislati라이브 바카라 라이브 바카라 the Promoti라이브 바카라 of Industrial Educati라이브 바카라 and Industry-Academia Cooperati라이브 바카라,” we have been creating superior intellectual property and producing valuable achievements in technology commercializati라이브 바카라 by building infrastructure and system that vitalize industrial-academic cooperati라이브 바카라.
In order to be a leading instituti라이브 바카라 in global research and industrial-academic cooperati라이브 바카라, the Y라이브 바카라sei University Office of Research Affair/UIF will spare no investment or support for research promoti라이브 바카라 programs, research management and support programs, intellectual property rights management, or commercializati라이브 바카라 of research outcomes.
Vice President, Office of Research Affairs /
President, University-Industry Foundati라이브 바카라